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Frenky Autodokumentatie

Lancia Rally 037 nome in codice


Artikelnummer: lancia-rallye-037-nome-in-codice-9791220029780 Categorie:


Lancia Rally 037 nome in codice.

The engineer and designer Sergio Limone and the journalist Luca Gastaldi presents this book, written together with the twice World Rally Champion Miki Biasion: from the project in detail, the technical part, the development of the car, the road Lancia Rally, the technical sheet, the homologation form. All this is fully illustrated and described.

Italiaans, softcover, 2018, 200 pagina’s, Sergio Limone, Luca Gastaldi.

ISBN 9791220029780.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,8 kg
Afmetingen 25,00 × 22,00 × 2,00 cm