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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Six Appeal The Story of the Alfa 6 1977-1987


Artikelnummer: 9781793931047 Categorie:


Alfa Romeo Alfa 6 The Story 1977-1987.

First conceived in the 1960s by a rising and optimistic Alfa Romeo, the Alfa 6 was finally launched in 1979 by a very different company, fighting a tough battle for its survival. Misunderstood and undervalued at the time, this model is now, forty years after its launch, finally receiving the appreciation of the brand’s many enthusiasts. The designer and automotive historian Matteo Licata wants to do justice now to this often denigrated Alfa car with a book based strictly on original documents of the time.

Engels, paperback, 2019, 111 pagina’s, Matteo Licata.

ISBN 9781793931047.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,4 kg
Afmetingen 28 × 21,5 × 1 cm