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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Sir William Lyons


Artikelnummer: sir-william-lyons-9781859608401 Categorie:


Sir William Lyons.

the official biography.


The story of Sir William Lyons is indelibly linked with that of his remarkable Jaguar cars. This inspiring book describes Lyons’ early influences, his tentative steps into the motor trade and how, while in his 30s, he established a substantial motor manufacturing business and launched the Jaguar marque. Lyons was known for his talent for automotive styling, as well as his shrewd approach to business. He also saw the importance of motorsport and used racing to establish Jaguar’s image of engineering excellence.


English, hardcover, 296 pages, Philip Porter & Paul Skilleter.

ISBN 185960840X.

ISBN 9781859608401.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,7500 kg
Afmetingen 24,00 × 17,00 × 3,00 cm