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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Mercedes Benz Classic Life


Artikelnummer: mercedes-benz-classic-life-9783943573107 Categorie:


Mercedes Benz Classic Life.

Forever Young. Racing and Records. Visionaries and innovations. Published in cooperation with Mercedes Benz, this book portrays the history of the cult brand with the star. From Bertha’s maiden trip in the Benz patent motor car up to the first autonomous ride of the new S-Class W 222. From today’s unbroken world records and the most expensive car in the world to current classic car activities, anniversaries, and events of the past twelve months. The book includes an attached vinyl featuring the finest 2013 jazz tunes–classics alive as ever.

Gebruikt boek in zeer goede en nette staat, stempel op 1e pagina, Boek is compleet inclusief de LP.

Engels / Duits, hardcover, 2014, 216 pagina’s,

ISBN 9783943573107.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,8 kg
Afmetingen 29 × 29 × 3 cm