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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Villa d’Este the Italian Concours


Artikelnummer: villa-deste-the-italian-concours-8888165029 Categorie:


Villa d’Este the Italian Concours.

Volume dedicated to the extraordinary elegance pageant that celebrates 75 years, and is held in the beautiful Villa D’este from 1929, for a period of twenty years and ten issues.
There are beautiful photographs with comprehensive explanations; especially the chapter devoted to the legendary Alfa Romeo 6 c 2500 ss Coup Touring.
In the appendix you will find the information of ten editions including coaches, and competitors.

Gebruikt boek in zeer goede en nette staat.

Engels / Italiaans, hardcover, 2004, 231 pagina’s, La Edizioni dell’Opificio.

ISBN 8888165029.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,8 kg
Afmetingen 25 × 29 × 2,5 cm