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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

The rise of Jaguar


Artikelnummer: jaguar-1904788270 Categorie:


The Rise of Jaguar.

A detailed study of the “Standard era” 1928-1950.


A serious in depth study of the growth of SS Cars Limited during the world’s worst economic depression;

the relationship with the Standard Motor Company upon which success was based, together with a detailed

technical survey covering the progression of design from 1928 to 1950.


Many hithertoo unknown facts disclosed and copiously illustrated with contemporary photographs.


Review from Jaguar Enthusiast, December 2006;

Published earlier in the year, this work also covers the pushrod models but all of them from the Swallow bodied cars, through SS and into the post-war Jaguar models up to the including Mark V.


Published by Veloce and written by Barrie Price(established motoring enthusiast who still owns the assets of the Lea Francis Car Company), his excellent memories of the heady days of Standard and SS/Jaguar provide an excellent background to this book. In 176 pages, the informative text is supported by a significant number of black and white period photographs of the people, the cars and the works. At the end of the book there are reproductions of documentation from Rolls-Royce about their experiences when they purchased a Jaguar to establish how the company and the cars had quickly reached such popularity.


Review from Classic Sports Car, March 2005;

In 170 pages of fascinating technical detail and vivid black-and-white photographs, Price documents the early evolution of what was to become Jaguar – from the early Swallow-bodied Standards, Swifts, Wolseleys and rarer 9hp Fiats, to the first, elegant in-house-designed saloons and sports roadsters.


English, hardcover, 176 pages, 2004.

ISBN 1904788270.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,2000 kg
Afmetingen 26,00 × 26,00 × 2,80 cm