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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Rolls-Royce 1906-1965


Artikelnummer: rolls-royce-0713450029 Categorie:


Rolls-Royce the cars & their competitors 1906-1965.


1906-1914; The Silver Ghost 1907-1914 and the Napier 60 1906-1910.

1919-1924; The Post-war Silver Ghost and the Lanchester 40

1922-1928; The 20 and the Sunbeam 20.9.

1926-1930; The Phanthom I and the Sleeve Valve Daimler.

1930-1935; The Phantom II and the 8 litre Bentley.

1929-1936; The Rolls-Royce 20/25 and teh Hispano Suiza H.S. 26 and 30/120.

1934-1939; The Bentley 3½ and 4½ litre and the Bugatti Type 57.

1936-1939; The Phantom III, the 25/30 and Wraith.

1946-1954; Post-war First Generation

1955-1965; Post-war Second Generation.


English, hardcover, 192 pages, 1986, A B Price.

ISBN 0713450029.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,7500 kg
Afmetingen 26,00 × 20,00 × 2,50 cm