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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie



Artikelnummer: lamborghini-9788857218748 Categorie:


Lamborghini 100 years of Innovation in half the Time.


Authors and professionals from different fields narrate Lamborghini’s past, present, and future in a totally new way. Over the course of half a century, Lamborghini has gradually established itself as a leader in its sector, perfectly integrating into the culture of its time and becoming a symbol of innovation in design and technology, as well as a veritable phenomenon with regard to culture and communication. This beautifully illustrated book describes every step of the journey, with references to cinema, technology, design, and the work of the men who made their fortune from the brand. A large-format volume with 200 striking color images, brilliantly evoking a surprising combination of tradition and innovation for all those who are interested in design, technology, material culture, communication and, of course, the classic qualities of Italian manufacture at its best.


Gesigneerd exemplaar door Valentino Balboni.


English, hardcover, 184 pages, 2014.

ISBN 9788857218731.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,1000 kg
Afmetingen 30,00 × 30,00 × 3,00 cm