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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Ferry Porsche


Artikelnummer: ferryporsche-1852602597 Categorie:


Ferry Porsche Cars are my Life.


Many books have been written about Porsche.. but this one contains Ferry Porsche’s own very personal account 

of his life and work. This book emerged out of the many conversations we had together in his house and at his 

factory… where he still works every dat even at the age of 80.


It is the autobiography of an entrepreneur, an engineer and a designer, but also of the genial, modest man

that Ferry Porsche is.. it is the story of his life and work, and, in a sense, also his legacy.


English, hardcover, 280 pages, 1989.

ISBN 1852602597.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,0000 kg
Afmetingen 25,00 × 18,00 × 2,80 cm