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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Enrico Nardi


Artikelnummer: enrico-nardi-8889108177 Categorie:


Enrico Nardi a fast life.


The history, production and who viewed the presence of famous cars prepared by coach.

From Sports, to Chichibio Bisiluro, Blue Ray to Syntesis.

Relations with Danish, with the beaters, Vignale, Frua, Michelotti, with houses, BMW, Alfa Romeo, Siata, Closley.

A rich photographic apparatus and the list of races who viewed the Nardi at the start, complete the publication.


English, hardcover, 196 pages, 2009, Dino Brunori, Andrea Curami.

Archivo Fotografico Negri: volume 38.

ISBN 8889108177.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,6000 kg
Afmetingen 29,00 × 26,00 × 3,00 cm