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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Citroën 1919-1949 la belle époque


Artikelnummer: citroen-la-belle-epoque-9782352501244 Categorie:


Citroën 1919-1949 la belle époque.

An icon of its era, here is the saga of the “double chevron” from its inception through 1944. This book investigates the ways in which Citroen appealed to our French (and European) grandparents, and how Citroen became a part of daily life.

You can discover André Citroen’s first steps in industry – his factories, advertising, and of course, his cars, from the first Type A and the 5HP to the half-tracks, trucks, and buses. Also covered are the famous “Traction,” the 2CV (planned for 1939!) and the Resistance and Occupation Citroens, finished with a flourish when production resumed just after the war and Citroen experienced the immediate success of the “11.” It is truly a beauty of a book, full of many unpublished photos and documents.

Frans, hardcover, 2010, 320 pagina’s, Wouter Jansen.

ISBN 9782352501244.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,3 kg
Afmetingen 32 × 24 × 3 cm