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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

1981-2006 Twenty-five years building “Pocket-size Superyachts”


Artikelnummer: moonen-shipyards-9789081165617 Categorie:


Moonen Shipyards 1981-2006 Twenty-five years building “Pocket-size Superyachts”.

In 2006, Moonen Shipyards celebrated twenty-five years of fine, award-winning yachtbuilding. This book recounts, in richly illustrated detail, Moonen’s remarkable quarter-century history – from its unintended creation in 1981 through its launch of nearly seventy sophisticated yachts, drawn by some of the world’s top designers. The book follows Moonen’s progress from its early years as a basic hands-on shipyard to its current position as a technological leader in the building of beautiful, distinguished yachts. Above all, this book is about people . . . and their passion for building and owning a Moonen “pocket-size super yacht.”

Gebruikt boek in zeer goede en nette staat, groot formaat boek.

Engels, hardcover, 2007, 121 pagina’s, J A Somer.

ISBN 9789081165617.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,5 kg
Afmetingen 31 × 31 × 2,2 cm