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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Volvo P1800 from idea to prototype and production


Artikelnummer: volvo-9789186275716 Categorie:


Volvo P1800: from idea to prototype and production.


This book tells the story of the Volvo P1800, about the time when the first idea was born and the process that led up to its design, engineering and the first years of series production. A story which had no given answers, a story full of dramatic and exciting events, a story filled with challenges and problems. The story brings the reader to 1956 and covers the events up to 1963, letting the people who were part of the project and process behind it tell us what really happened, richly illustrated with photographs that have never been published before.

This book is the Svenska Volvo P1800 club tribute to the Volvo P1800, to the people who made the car, put it in production, created the myth, and the enthusiasts of the world that care for the Volvo P1800, its heritage, its history and its future.


English, hardcover, 280 pages, 2014.

ISBN 9789186275716.



Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,1000 kg
Afmetingen 30,00 × 24,00 × 2,80 cm