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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Volvo 1800 the Complete Story


Artikelnummer: volvo-p1800-9781861261953 Categorie:


Volvo 1800 the complete story.

Volledig historisch overzicht van de legendarische Volvo 1800. Technische specificaties en tekeningen worden gebruikt als toelichting, rijkelijk voorzien van zwart-wit en kleurenfoto’s.

Designed in Sweden and Italy, built in England, Scotland and Sweden and sold all over the world, the Volvo 1800 is a car with a remarkable history to tell. David Styles takes us back to the first Volvo to discover the roots of the company’s first purpose-built sports car. Tracing its design and development through to its launch in 1961, he covers the various variations of the 1800 coupe, the 1800ES ‘sportwagon’, the 480ES and the C70. Topics include: complete history of all 1800 variations; full technical specifications for each model and advice on buying and maintaining an 1800.

Engels, hardcover, 2014-2022, 191 pagina’s, David G Styles.

ISBN 9781861261953.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,9 kg
Afmetingen 26,00 × 20,00 × 2,00 cm