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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Venturi GT à la Française


Artikelnummer: venturi-9791028304287 Categorie:


Venturi, GT à la Française.

It all started at the 1984 Paris Motor Show with the presentation of a small sports car, the Ventury. Designed and produced by two enthusiasts, Claude Poiraud, the technician, and Gérard Godfroy, the designer, the car is immediately liked.

Venturi GT à la française tells the extraordinary story of this French brand, born in the mid-1980s, whose cars immediately rose to the level of the best GTs and then competed against the most prestigious brands.

Beyond this magnificent story of cars, the author brings to the surface a fascinating human adventure, punctuated by drama and love, with a very strong desire to live all the passion for the automobile.

Venturi GT à la française raconte l’histoire hors du commun de cette marque française, née au milieu des années 1980, et dont les voitures se hissèrent d’entrée au niveau des meilleures GT et se mesurèrent ensuite en circuit aux marques les plus prestigieuses.

Frans, hardcover, 2020, 176 pagina’s, Pierre Doubrosse.

ISBN 9791028304287.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,2 kg
Afmetingen 30 × 25 × 1,8 cm