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Frenky Autodokumentatie

SAAB 99 and 900 the Complete Story


Artikelnummer: saab-9781861264299 Categorie:


Saab 99 and 900, The Complete Story.

Saab 99 and 900 is a detailed account of the cars that came from Saab, the aeroplane maker, whose first car – the 92 model – set the standard for advanced design epitomized by the 99 and 900 cars. The author delves deep into the cars’ design and history, and into the core Saab values that they carried into production. Topics include: detailed design history of the 99 and 900; year-by-year developments; technically detailed engineering overviews; detailed specifications; advice on owning and buying and, finally, coverage of rallying and special models.

Topics include: detailed design history of the 99 and 900; year-by-year developments; technically detailed engineering overviews; detailed specifications; advice on owning and buying and, finally, coverage of rallying and special models.

In dit boek wordt uitvoerig een gedetailleerd design historie weergegeven van de 99 en 900.

Specificaties en technische ontwikkeling van de beide modellen wordt uitvoerig bij stil gestaan.

Ook aandacht voor de rally uitvoeringen en andere speciale modellen.

Engels, hardcover, 2001-2012-2021, 160 pagina’s, Lance Cole.

ISBN 9781861264299.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,8000 kg
Afmetingen 26,00 × 20,00 × 1,50 cm