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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Rover 800 series


Artikelnummer: 9781785002243 Categorie:


Rover 800 series the complete story.


The Rover 800 grew out of a pioneering collaboration between Rover in Britain and Honda in Japan during the 1980s. This book tells the story of how the two companies worked together to produce the Rover 800 and its cousin, the Honda Legend.

For those who remember the big front-wheel-driver Rover with affection, this book sets out the full history looking at the design and development of all models: saloons, Fastbacks and Coupes; the Sterling in North America; comtemporary aftermarket modifications; Police usage and export variants. There is a helpful chapter on buying an owning a Rover 800 and the book is illustrated with 250 colour and black & white photographs.


English, hardcover, 176 pages, 2016, James Taylor.

ISBN 9781785002243.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,1000 kg
Afmetingen 27,00 × 22,50 × 2,50 cm