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Frenky Autodokumentatie

Paolo Martin: Visions in Design


Artikelnummer: paolo-martin-visions-in-design-9781956309003 Categorie:


Paolo Martin: Visions in Design.

“Paolo Martin: Visions in Design” is a book that offers an exclusive look into the world of automotive design, thanks to the works of the famous designer Paolo Martin. With an impeccable structure, the book offers a comprehensive view of Martin’s projects, showing how his ideas have always been at the forefront of car design.

The book features a wide range of drawings, sketches and sketches, providing a comprehensive overview of Martin’s design development process. Each project is described in detail with information on the materials used, the production techniques and the technical characteristics of the car.

But it’s not just a technical book, Martin also shares his design philosophy, emphasizing the importance of harmony between form and function. He believes that the beauty of a car should be guided by the needs of the user, which makes his creations real works of art that stand out for their elegance and functionality.

Featuring striking images of scale models and prototypes, “Paolo Martin: Visions in Design” offers a uniquely immersive viewing experience. It is a book that goes beyond the mere description of cars, but which represents a true celebration of automotive design and art. If you are a car or design enthusiast, this book is a must in your collection.

Engels, hardcover, 2022, 304 pagina’s, 1150 foto’s in kleur en zwart-wit, Martin Paolo, Sen Gautam.

ISBN 9781956309003.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,1 kg
Afmetingen 31 × 23 × 2,5 cm