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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Morgan 3 Wheeler


Artikelnummer: morgan3wheeler-9781845847630 Categorieën: ,


The Morgan 3 Wheeler back to the future.


Revealing why Morgan returned to its original 3 Wheeler concept after a century. How the new 3 Wheeler was created, became a best-seller, and was made, this book shows what it’s like to drive, strengths, weaknesses, and factory improvements made since the 2011 launch – from modifications, possible developments, and even why it is – or isn’t – your kind of vehicle.



• Why Morgan decided to go back to the configuration of its origins

• How the modern 3 Wheeler came about

• How it was designed and engineered, and how it’s built

• What it’s like to drive a 3 Wheeler

• Strengths and weak points – how the factory has improved the Morgan

• Could you be an M3W owner?

• Factory options and aftermarket mods

• A look at other three-wheelers on the market … and a few that didn’t quite make it into production

• Dynasty – the Morgan family feud

• How the Morgan might be developed in the future


English, hardcover, 144 pages, 2015, Peter Dron.

ISBN 9781845847630.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,0000 kg
Afmetingen 26,00 × 26,00 × 2,50 cm