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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Land Rover Series I, II, IIA & III


Artikelnummer: 9781906133511 Categorie:


Land Rover Series I, II, IIA & III, with over 350 illustrations from brochures and advertising.


The Series Land Rovers detailed in this book take us from the beginning to 1985, and the many surviving examples, supported by a comprehensive parts and restoration industry, are seeing a solid increase in values.

Here James Taylor, the premier historian of the marque, provides a detailed study of the Land Rover’s evolution through the period and the variants and special-purpose versions that were produced. Uniquely, it is the manufacturer’s own sales brochures and advertising that supply the illustrations, which number some 350 and serve not only to depict the vehicles but also to re-create the atmosphere of the times when they were made.


English, hardcover, 160 pages, 2013.

ISBN 9781906133511.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,5000 kg
Afmetingen 27,00 × 27,00 × 2,50 cm