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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Lancia Le Antenate Eccellenti – Lancia the Excellent Ancestors


Artikelnummer: lancia-le-antenate-eccellenti Categorie:


Lancia Le Antenate Eccellenti – Lancia the Excellent Ancestors.

A complete technical and historical work which traces in detail the beginning of the production of Lancia & Co., including a set of exceptional and largely unpublished, original drawings, prototypes, patents, aircraft engines and cars up to the classical “1919” showing truly remarkable technical solutions. Absolute novelty in its content: accurate documentation and good basis for simple and immediate consultations.

English / Italian, hardcover, 2011, 224 pages, Oscar Capellano, Omniablu.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1 kg
Afmetingen 27,00 × 21,00 × 3,00 cm