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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

La Renault supercinq de mon père


Artikelnummer: 9791028300463 Categorie:


La Renault supercinq de mon père.

Considerable success to all models Renault 5! In 1984, the supercinq is the successor of Renault 5, after extensive research, numerous studies of innovative concepts and different prototypes. It presents important developments in terms of habitability, as the transverse engine and the extension of the five-door version. The market will be enhanced by the many versions: basic, classic, luxury, sports, limited editions… not to mention the Renault Express, van or transport vehicle. Hailed by all, the saga of the Renault 5 ends in 1996, after twenty-five years of great success. This book covers the period supercinq with prototypes, production models from year to year, the limited editions, the export, competitions, advertisements, newspaper articles, the models, as well as features and detailed technical specifications.

Remarquable réussite que celle des Renault 5, tous modèles confondus ! En 1984, la Supercinq succède à la Renault 5 après de longues recherches, de nombreuses études de concepts innovants et divers prototypes.

Frans, hardcover, 2015, 120 pagina’s, Jean-Luc Armagnacq.

ISBN 9791028300463.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,75 kg
Afmetingen 22,5 × 25 × 1,5 cm