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Met vriendelijke groet
Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Ford Capri


Artikelnummer: ford-9781844256372 Categorie:


Ford Capri.


This is the complete book of ‘The Car You Always Promised Yourself’ – the landmark Capri that was pivotal to Ford’s success in Europe and, indeed, the company’s move towards globalisation. The Capri’s continuous production run, from 1969 to 1987, is carefully recorded in great detail, and other aspects include buying guidance, an informed overview of ownership and maintenance, coverage of tuning and modification, restoration insights and competition history. Illustrated throughout, this book will inspire and inform all Capri enthusiasts.


English, hardcover, 160 pages, 2010.

ISBN 9781844256372.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,9000 kg
Afmetingen 28,00 × 22,00 × 2,00 cm