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Frenky Autodokumentatie



Artikelnummer: ferrari-9783848010974 Categorie:



In 2017, the well-known Italian car manufacturer, whose models impress with their exceptional temperament and stylish elegance, is celebrating its 70th anniversary. On this occasion, Rainer W. Schlegelmilch staged the latest models for the updated new edition of Ferrari. With the help of brilliant pictures and informative articles, 135 models are portrayed and the impressive development of the brand from early sports cars to the latest models is shown.

Engels / Duits, hardcover, 2016, 448 pagina’s. Rainer W Schlegelmilch, Hartmut Lehbrink, Jochen von Osterroth.

ISBN 9783848010974.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,5 kg
Afmetingen 28,5 × 25 × 3,5 cm