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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Cisitalia da Corsa Europa


Artikelnummer: cisitalia-da-coras-europa Categorie:


Cisitalia da Corsa Europa


Limited Edition in 500 copies. Model by model, the racing history of the Marque from 1946 up to 1958.


Model by model, the racing history of the Marque from 1946 up to 1958. The volume collects all the dates and precise denomination of small and often forgotten races, identitying car types and versions, the names of lesser known drivers, identification of photos and so on. The outcome of this magnificent effort can be found in these pages, which are full of precious unplublished data and unprecendent photographic documentation.


English / Italian, softcover, 2017, 543 pages, Sergio Lugo podesta, Guillermo Sanchez Bouchard.

Registro Fiat Italiano.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,1000 kg
Afmetingen 27,00 × 21,00 × 3,50 cm