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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Carrozzeria Scioneri


Artikelnummer: 9788896796207 Categorieën: ,


Carrozzeria Scioneri.

The body Scioneri is an important example of the best Italian craftsmanship of the car.

Born in war-time, adjusting with little work there was, he later specialized in cars “developed”, which have been a huge success allowing everyone to buy a custom-built, although most of the time derived from a popular model Fiat .

It was also in charge of commercial vehicles and custom-built sports themselves, but with the elaborate continued until the end of the 90s.

This book, the fruit of a long and extensive research, it tells the whole story, accompanied with an impressive iconography that illustrates all its production.

English / Italian, hardcover, 2013, 124 pagina’s, Elvio Deganello, Alessandro Sannia.

ISBN 9788896796207.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,1 kg
Afmetingen 30 × 22 × 2,5 cm