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Frank de Veer
Frenky Autodokumentatie

Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 / 1967


Artikelnummer: alfa-romeo-tipo33-1967-9783871661167 Categorie:


Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 / 1967.

This book focuses exclusively on the development of the Tipo 33 and the motorsport activities of the car during 1967.

It was a long held belief that there was only scarce documentation available concerning Autodelta, the motorsport company. With the help of Dr. Marco Fazio we were able to unearth various diverse records from the Alfa Romeo archives which contained detailed reports of the race activities of Autodelta. With such records to hand we were able to build an complete picture, free of any doubt, of the cars that participated in races during 1967 in the works team.

In addition to the racing participation of the Tipo 33 we have also covered aspects of the Tipo 33 Stradale and the related Alfa Romeo OSI Scarabeo.

English / German, hardcover, 2019, 312 pages, 224 black and white photographs and 114 colour photographs.

Author; Patrick Dasse & Martin Übelher. Dingwort Verlag.

ISBN 9783871661167.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 1,7 kg
Afmetingen 23 × 26 × 2,5 cm