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Frenky Autodokumentatie

The Official Ferrari Magazine 31 (Yearbook 2015)


Artikelnummer: OFM-31 Categorie:


The Official Ferrari Magazine Number 31 (Yearbook 2015).


In the Edition number 31 of the Ferrari Magazine – 2015 year book – the Chairman of Ferrari Sergio Marchionne talks to Nick Mason (drummer of Pink Floyd and a huge Ferrari enthusiast) about his first year at Maranello: Formula 1, new models, listing on the Stock Exchange, passion, music preferences and much more in an interview you just can’t miss. Plus the entire Formula 1 season, told Grand Prix after Grand Prix, the new F12tdf, and the events and persons that dominated the year 2015 at Maranello.


code 95998202.

Extra informatie

Gewicht 2,1000 kg
Afmetingen 33,00 × 25,00 × 3,00 cm